Step 1: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), available starting October 1, at using school code 003761.

  • The FAFSA is available on October 1 for the next school year. We encourage you to fill it out as soon as possible on or after October 1 to meet school priority processing dates and FAFSA deadlines.
  • Log in at to apply or fill out the form in the myStudentAid mobile app, available on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
  • Send FAFSA to WCC using the Federal School Code (003761). 
  • I Already Have an FSA ID or having issues with login, contact FSA ID directly.

Step 2: Update your mailing address, email, and phone number in the Student Information System (SIS).  

  • Keeping your contact information up to date means that the WCC Financial Aid Office can contact you with updates about your financial aid and more.

Step 3: Check your SIS To Do List to see if your FAFSA was selected for verification.

  • To Do List items must be resolved before you can receive financial aid. Each item has a description of the document and where you can find it. Direct additional questions to the WCC Financial Aid Office.



Step 1: Apply to WCC & choose a Program of Study

  • Submit an Online Application When applying to WCC, include your social security number on the application. The SSN is a personal identifier that links the FAFSA to your student account.

Step 2: Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), available starting October 1, at using school code 003761.

  • We encourage you to fill it out as soon as possible on or after October 1 to meet school priority processing dates and FAFSA deadlines.
  • Log in at to apply or fill out the form in the myStudentAid mobile app, available on the App Store (iOS) and Google Play (Android).
  • I Already Have an FSA ID or having issues with login, contact FSA ID directly. They will help you retrieve your account information.

Step 3: Update your address, email and phone number in the Student Information System (SIS).  

  • Keeping your contact information up to date means that the WCC Financial Aid Office can contact you with updates about your financial aid and more.

Step 4: Already submitted the FAFSA? What’s next? Watch for emails from the Financial Aid Office.

  • Complete 22/23 FAFSA (using 2020 taxes) for Fall 22, Spring 23, Summer 23 and complete 23/24 FAFSA (using 2021 taxes) for Fall 23. Spring 24 and Summer 24.  
  • You can start applying for the 23/24 FAFSA in October 2022.

Step 5: Check your SIS “To Do List” to see if your FAFSA was selected for verification.

  • Login to My.WCC to check your SIS Student Center.
    • Click SIS Student Information Button
    • Select Student Center
    • View To Do List menu on the left side of the webpage
  • Your To Do List includes descriptions of documents and helpful links. We cannot accept pictures of documents.
  • If there are no To Do List items, contact the WCC Financial Aid Office (

Step 6: Review your financial aid award

  • You will receive a VCCS email notification.
  • Login to My.WCC to check your SIS Student Center.
    • Click SIS Student Information Button
    • Click Student Center
    • Select View Financial Aid
    • Click on Aid Year to view aid




Don't want to have to type in all your tax info?  Use the IRS Data Retrieval Tool to transfer it for you!

Just Be sure to click the Transfer Now box on your FAFSA!

Can't get the Data Retrieval Tool to work?  Check out this to get additional information:  4506-T form Directions (PDF) and the 4506-T form (PDF).

 Applying for Financial Aid can seem overwhelming - it isn't.  Follow these steps:

  • APPLY for Admission to the College!  
  • Create your FSA ID
  • Have you forgotten your FSA ID Password?
  • Have you forgotten your FSA ID Username?
  • Remember, if you are a dependent student, a parent must have a separate FSA username and password.  The parent cannot have the same email as the student.
  • Am I a dependent student?  This dependency status guide can help you discover the correct answer!
  • Fill out your FAFSA.  Returning student or a new one, this video explains it for you!
  • REMEMBER to include WCC's School Code, 003761, so that we get your FAFSA
  • FAFSA has to be filled out every year you plan to attend college
  • Don't wait until you hear from the admissions office - file now!
  • Be sure to use the Data Retrieval Tool and check the transfer now box to ensure your tax information transfer over easily

Click here to request a copy of your tax return, wage transcript, or non-filing status letter.

Click here more information about Form 4506-T, Request for Transcript of Tax Returns.


  Important FAFSA Information:

  • WCC's Financial Aid Office  no longer mails out missing information letters. This information will be SENT TO THE STUDENTS COLLEGE EMAIL that will direct students to their message center in their Student Information System (SIS). Students will need to look at their To-Do List to see what items are required in order to complete their financial aid.

    After we have collected all necessary documents to complete your file, WCC will review your file for an award. If you are awarded, you will receive an email TO YOUR STUDENT COLLEGE EMAIL from the WCC Financial Office to notify you of your financial aid award. If you are not eligible, you will also receive an email to explain why you are not eligible. If your award is not sufficient enough to cover your tuition costs, you will need to pay the remaining balance to avoid being dropped from classes.

Financial Aid Documents can be uploaded using the Financial Aid Secure Form Uploader or from the SIS To-Do List.

 Expecting a refund for a financial award, scholarship, or dropped a course? See here for WCC's refund policy and information on how to manage your refunds. 

See here for WCC's Return of Funds policy.




Still have questions? 

Contact the WCC Financial Aid Office

WCC Financial Aid Office        
Bland Hall - Suite 113        
1000 East Main Street        
Wytheville, VA 24382

Phone: (800) 468-1195 or (276) 223-4706         
Fax: (276) 223-4807

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